mardi 31 mai 2011

Autohypnose et soins dentaires

Une petite procedure en anglais, mais facile a interpreter:

Self-Hypnosis Induction Script
You are about to enjoy a very pleasant and very beneficial experience.
  • First, be sure that you will not be disturbed
  • Second, remove your shoes or any apparel that will interfere with your comfort in any way
  • Third, stretch out on your back with your legs separated so that no parts of your calves or your thighs are touching
    • Separate your feet at least 8 to 10 inches, with your arms extended loosely and limply alongside your body
    • Palms facing downward, with your fingers limply outstretched
Now once we begin, you can help most by remaining quiet and passive.
Our first goal is for you to become unaware of your body. You can best achieve that goal by avoiding movement.
The first thing that I want you to do is to fix your eyes on a spot on the wall or on the ceiling. Pick out a spot and stare at that spot without moving a muscle.
  • Now take a deep breath and fill up your lungs.
Exhale slowly. Sleep now!
  • Now a second and even deeper breath. Take in all of the air that your lungs can hold.
    Exhale slowly.
    Sleep now!
  • And now a third deep breath.
Exhale. Sleep now!
Now let your eye lids close down. And let each muscle and nerve begin to grow loose and limp and relaxed.
Let all of your care and tensions begin to fade away. You are now relaxing more with each sound that you hear. And with each easy breath that you take, you are going deeper into drowseeey relaxation.
I am going to count from 10 down to 1. And as I do, I want you to picture and imagine that you are walking down a flight of steps. With each number that I count, the quality of your deep relaxation becomes more profound and more intense. When I reach the count of one, you will then be aware that you are enjoying a very pleasant state of relaxation.
  • Number 10. We take the first step downward. Every muscle and every nerve begins to grow loose and limp and relaxed
  • Number 9. This wave of relaxation begins to spread all across your body
  • Number 8. You are relaxing more with each easy breath that you take. With each sound that you hear, you are going deeper in drowsy relaxation
  • Number 7. Every muscle and every nerve, just loose and limp and lazy
  • Number 6: You are moving down toward a new and deeper level of hypnotic relaxation
  • Number 5. You are half way down, and when I reach the count of 1 I’ll say the words “sleep deeply”. You will then be aware that you are more deeply relaxed than ever before
  • Number 4. Each muscle and nerve lets loose, relaxing, you are drifting down. Deeper and deeper asleep
  • Number 3. Going down. Deeper in drowsy relaxation
  • Number 2. On the next number, I will say the words “Sleep deeply.” When I do, you will then be aware that you are enjoying a very profound state of hypnotic relaxation
  • Number 1. SLEEP DEEPLY!
Now just relax and go deeper into hypnosis.
You have relaxed your body. You have relaxed your mind.
In a moment, I am going to help relax your mind further. I will count from five down to one. As I do, your eyelids lock so tightly closed that the more you try to open them, the tighter they are locking closed.
  • Five. Your eyes are pressing down tightly
  • Four. Pressing down and sealing shut
  • Three. Sealing as if they were glued
  • Two. They are locked. The more you try to open them now, the tighter they are locking closed
  • One. Try to open your eyelids now and find them locking tighter and tighter
Pause 3 seconds
  • All right, that’s fine. Now, stop trying and just relax and go deeper now.
You have relaxed your body. You have relaxed your mind.
At this point, your subconscious mind is open and highly responsive to all good, powerful, creative and beneficial ideas and instructions.
Each of these ideas that you are about to hear, are the truth about your deepest nature. They represent your basic values and your cherished goals.
These ideas reflect your intense desire for autonomy, inner peace and self-mastery. These ideas now make a deep, permanent impression on your creative subconscious mind.
These ideas take root in the fertile soil of your deepest being, where they sprout and continue to grow, and expand, and permeate every part of you.

You are rapidly moving toward the satisfaction of your deepest needs and the realisation of your highest goals. And so be it!
For each of these ideas is now making a vivid, deep and permanent impression on your subconscious mind.
And from this time forward, with each passing day, you become more and more aware of a wonderful feeling of personal confidence.
As you realise that each day brings you one step closer to your goals. Each day is a vital step in your problem solving. In changing your behaviour. In moving toward your highest potential.
So that you now begin to enjoy a fuller, a richer and a more expressive life.

Now, I will bring you back out of hypnosis. I am going to slowly count from one to five, and then I’ll say “fully aware.”
At the count of five, please let your eye lids open and you are then: calm, rested, refreshed, and relaxed. Fully aware. Feeling good in every way.
All right.
  • One, slowly, calmly, easily, gently, you are returning to your full awareness once again
  • Two, each muscle and nerve in your body is loose and limp and relaxed, and you feel wonderfully good
  • Three, from head to toe you are feeling perfect in every way. Physically perfect, mentally perfect, emotionally calm and serene
  • On number four, your eyes begin to feel sparkling clear, just as though they were bathed in cold spring water. On the next number I count, eyelids open, fully aware, feeling calm, rested, refreshed, relaxed, invigorated and full of energy
  • Number five, you are fully aware now, eyelids open. Take in a deep breath, fill up your lungs and stretch!

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