dimanche 16 janvier 2011

Elman plus erickson plus Yapko

Voila la fin de mon cycle sur Elman avec une 3° version, tres ericksonienne si on la decripte: beaucoup de ratifications, de l'empilage en bout de yes set; et plus etrangement pas de test de catalepsie des yeux: on suggere la catalepsie des paupieres, mais on ne la verifie pas. pas de test des bras, mais le fractionnement de voigt ( ouverture fermeture des yeux pour approfondir la trance) est bien present.

l'amnesie des nombres est remplacée par la technique d' aprofondissement de Yapko: on sugere que le patient a un 3° œil, un œil interieur, l'œil de son esprit.; et que ce 3° œil va laisser se fermer sa paupier et que son esprit comme son corps va pouvoir se detendre juste aussi totalement aussi vite que le patient le veux bien ; aussi profondement qu'il en a envie .
Si on peut utiliser la technique de Yapko pour un simple aprofondissement, ou sur des patients avec une certaine vison mystique; ellee st interessante a double titre avec l'induction d'elman, car elle participe a la dissociation ( corps /esprit ) et pour le patient semble simplement repliquer ce qu'il a deja fait a udebu t d l'induction, et donc a peu de chance d'etre repoussée. A garder en memoire pour un patient qui n'arriverait pas a effacer les nombres  ( ou le lettres de l'alphabet pour une autre variante ) 

une Elman modifiée,et des videos qui y ressemblent un peu

Elman Induction Script (Adapted)

Just begin by making yourself comfortable. Rest your feet flat on the floor and rest your hands on your lap, or by your side.

Now drop your head forward slightly and roll your eyes up and back as though you were looking toward a point in your forehead. That's a bit of a strain but keep it up. Now, inhale deeply,
filling your lungs all the way up as you continue to look up and back. Pause for
a few seconds. Now keep looking up and allow your eyelids to grow heavy and
close down... as you exhale slowly and patiently. Good, now send a huge wave of
relaxation from the top of your head down to the tip of your toes. Let all of
your muscles turn loose, and limp and wonderfully relaxed... just like a rag

Now, rest your awareness on those eyelids once again. Even though the eyelids are closed down comfortably already, imagine they are closing down all over again, even more heavy and
tired and lazy than before. Now relax those eyelids right down to the point
where it feels as if they just don't work anymore. When you know you've done
that, make a test and find you've succeeded and they feel as if they're sealing
shut. Push harder against that relaxation and find the harder you try to make
the effort the more lazy and tired and relaxed those eyelids are becoming right
now. Now stop trying, send a wave of relaxation right down into that part of
you that was trying to make the effort. You're eyelids aren't really
sealed shut, it just feels as if they are. That's a good sign, you're
relaxing very deeply.

Now, I'm going to help you to relax even more deeply, and those is how I'm going to do it. In a moment I'll count 1, 2, 3, when I reach the number three you can open your eyes for a second
before I gesture and say the word "sleep." When I say the word
"sleep", just allow your eyelids to close down and find you're going
back, even deeper into hypnosis than before. Beginning now, 1, 2, 3... opening
those eyelids, ready now, "sleep", relaxing much deeper than before,
two times deeper... Good... Once again, 1, 2, 3, opening those eyelids, ready
now, "sleep", relaxing much deeper than before, two times deeper...
Good... One more time now, 1, 2, 3, opening those eyelids, ready now,
"sleep", relaxing much deeper than before, two times deeper again...

Now you're relaxing the body very deeply, and as you relax the body you're relaxing the mind. Now, I'm going to help you to relax the mind even more deeply and this is how I'm going to do it.
In a moment I want you to begin counting down backwards from 100, counting out
loud, and repeating the words "deeper and deeper" after each number.
Each time you say the words "deeper and deeper", you're doubling the
relaxation of your mind, especially the counting part of your mind. By the time
you've counted just a few of those numbers, to 95 or even 96, you'll find
you've succeeded in relaxing your mind so deeply that you just can't be
bothered even trying to locate those numbers, they've vanished completely,
forgotten from your mind. Start counting now, losing the numbers to relaxation
as you count, beginning now...

[Intersperse suggestions of deepening until subject stops counting.]

That's it. Good. Now relax even more deeply, and as you do so make an effort and try to locate those forgotten numbers and find that you've succeeded, they've faded completely from the mind.
Haven't you?